Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome to the world, Melora Karine!

Our beautiful daughter, Melora Karine Walz, was born Sunday March 30th at 2:28 p.m. She weights 6 pounds, 11 ounces and is 19 3/4 inches long. We have all fallen desperately in love with her already and want to do nothing more than stare at her and kiss her sweet head all day. Isaiah is already a sweet, attentive big brother and a good helper to us. We are so thankful, so blessed, and so in awe of our two amazing children. I will write more later, including her birth story, but I am now off to take a bath and go to bed! (You know you just wanted to see pictures anyway.)


Evenspor said...

Yay! Congratulations. :)

Christine said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! My daughter was just one ounce more than that. BTW: We were given some new clothes for Emily that we haven't been able to use (12 mo size), because her waist is so narrow. Mostly, she can only use adjustable waist pants. Here is my e-mail: I'll mail them to do, along with gently used girl and boy clothes. Maybe you already have a ton and it wouldn't be worth it, but let me know if you want them.

I've been checking your blog every few hours for any news! Just the fact that you had time to post the pictures and a few paragraphs must mean things are going great! I'm very impressed! When my second was born, I was lucky to find time to drink a glass of water after coming home from the hospital to a 21 month-old.

Evenspor said...

You'll have to change the name of your blog now.

Andrea Frazer said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you! It made me cry cry cry... Now I want another one so bad. Please write a post where you're desperate and tired and life sucks so I can kick my ovaries back into normal gear again. They are spinning like tops!

football61girl said...

oh she's sooo pretty congradulations